
WordPress Plugin


Thank you for purchasing WPTTAR WordPress plugin. Before you get started, please be sure to always check out this documentation carefully. We outline all kinds of important information, and provide you with all the details you need know to use WPTTAR Plugin.

If you are unable to find your answer here in the documentation, please contact us on our Support desk.

What is included in the price?

Team Ommune


Recommended PHP configuration limits are as follows:

- max_execution_time 60
- memory_limit 128M
- post_max_size 48M
- upload_max_filesize 48M


WPTTAR is a Time Tracking and Activity Recording WordPress Plugin for businesses and companies who would like to keep a track record of there ongoing or past projects. Time tracking can be easily managed where developers, designers or other team members can submit there worked number of hours along with the comments.

1 Minute Setup Video

Quick Demo

Plugin Installation via WordPress

After the purchase you will be able to download the plugin .zip file.
When done, you should see wpttar.zip (zip file name can be changed from version to version).

Please, follow the steps below to install WPTTAR Plugin.

Step 1 - Login to your WordPress Dashboard.

Step 2 - Go to Plugins > Add New.

Step 3 - Click on Upload Plugin button at the top of the screen. (see screenshot below)

Step 4 - Choose wpttar.zip

Step 5 - Wait while the plugin is uploaded and installed , when done Activate the WPTTAR Plugin. (see screenshots below )

Step 6 - Congratulations ! You are ready to use WPTTAR.


On the Projects dashboard you can view total ongoing projects. Total number of team members and log request.

Your dasboard will look like this from where you can access projects, team members and log request.


On the Projects dashboard you can view ongoing and previous project details. Follow the below steps to add a new project.

Admin can also assign project to him/her self and track the activities like other users.

Step 1 - Go to Dashboard > WP TTAR > Projects. All your open and closed projects will be listed here. You can check the projects Open or Close status. Also, you can download the summary of projects in pdf or excel format by selecting the relevant dates.

Step 2 - To add a new project click on Add New Project button. You can add project title and client name. In the Team Members area all the WordPress users will be listed, from where you can assign multiple team members to the project. Any useful information such as dev server details or other important credentials, you can add in Dev. Server Details section.

- Note: Here you'll be able to see only those user roles to whom you have assigned View Users permission in settings area.

Step 3 - To attach files with the project click on Add Documents and you can attach multiple files. It supports all types of file format, once uploaded click on Add button.

Step 4 - Once the project has been successfully added click on the Project Title to find more details.

- Earlier added Project Details will be displayed at the top.
- Under Project Report section, progres bar will be displayed along with the number of hours which team members have contributed. You can view the chart according to day, month or year.
- All the assigned team members to the project will be listed under Assigned Team Members area. Here you will also find total number of hours which, individual member has worked along with the comments that he has posted.

Step 5 - To close the open project. Go to Dashboard > WP TTAR > Projects and click on Edit button. You can always reopen the closed project by following the same steps when done click on Edit Project.

Team Members

All the members which are assigned to the projects will be listed here.

Step 1 - Go to Dashboard > WP TTAR > Team Members.

Step 2 - Click on the members name to get the detailed summary of the projects he/she has worked on. You can download the summary in pdf or excel format by selecting the relevant dates.

- By clicking on Project Log you will get the Date, Staring and Ending time details followed by the Total Time taken.

- Click on View button to see the comments left by the member.

Log Request

As admin you'll receive all log requests made by users.

As admin you can Approve or Reject the request made by users. Once the request will be approved, requested time including comment will be added within selected project.

Note: If admin is working on a specific project he/she can also add custom time log, which will not require any approval and it'll be directly added to it's specific project.

Please follow below steps to add custom log.

Go to Log Request and click on Add Log button and you'll find below popup. Fill the details and once done click on ADD button.


Change the settings as per your need.

Step 1 - Go to Dashboard > WP TTAR > Settings.

Date and Time Settings - Set the time zone when setting up WP TTAR for the first time. You can set the time format as per 12 hours or 24 hours clock, once done click on the Save button.
Note : Do not change the Time Zone when there are open projects, else extra hours will be added as per the chosen GMT.

View Users - You'll be able to see all the WordPress roles here, among which you can choose whether to show all roles or specific roles users, while assigning them on a project.

Role Permissions - You can create a new user role and assign permission to the users of that specific role else, you can edit an exisiting user role and do the same.

Note : If you have added a new user role then don't forget to add the same under View Users settings area.

Messages Settings - Customize the success messages as per your requirements by clicking on View/Edit button.


On the dashboard you can view the projects been assigned to you and also request for custom log.

Your dasboard will look like this from where you can start working on the project been assigned to you.

If special permissions has been assigned to your profile, use this button to switch profiles from dashboard.


Step 1 - Go to Dashboard > WP TTAR > Projects. Typical view of the dashboard will be as below (once few project has been assigned to you). You can check the projects Open or Close status. Also, you can download the summary of projects in pdf or excel format by selecting the relevant dates.

Step 2 - Click on the Project Name to get the detailed summary. You can download the summary in pdf or excel format by selecting the relevant dates.

- By clicking on Project Log you will get the Date, Staring and Ending time details followed by the Total Time taken.

- Click on View button to see the comments left by you.


Various timer screens will appear as shown below when a team member START, PAUSE or CLOSE a timer.